Shipping Policy


Since digital products can be instantly downloaded, there is no shipping involved. So there are no shipping fees.


Shipping Cost

Shipping costs will differ based on the size and weight of the product and the buyer’s delivery location. The products are shipped using 3 methods:

  • Flat on cardboard envelope
  • Rolled in a tube
  • In a box

Generally, the large paintings will be rolled in a tube and shipped. The small ones would be shipped flat on cardboard envelope and the stretched canvas paintings will be shipped in a box.

  • If a buyer buys 2 or more paintings which are either small paper paintings or stretched canvas paintings, then they will be packed together either on a flat cardboard envelope or a box.
  • If a buyer buys 2 or more paintings all of which are large canvas paintings, then they will be rolled together in a tube.
  • If a buyer buys 2 or more paintings which are small paper paintings and large canvas paintings, then they will be rolled together in a tube. (If you want the small painting to not get rolled and instead put in a cardboard envelope, then you need to pay extra shipping costs for additional packaging.)

The shipping cost of paintings is:

  • India: Free Shipping
  • Around the world: USD 25

*Prices can change over time.

Shipping Location

The products are shipped from Mumbai around the world. But sometimes the products won’t get shipped to certain regions due to certain circumstances like war, natural disasters, laws of the country prohibiting shipment there, etc. (If due to any reason shipment is not possible, then the order would get canceled and the buyer would receive a full refund.)


After I ship the products, the shipping will approximately take:
Domestic (India): 1-7 business days
International: 3-10 business days

*Sometimes delivery can get delayed due to global issues

Custom Clearance

International shipments are subject to customs duties/taxes imposed on goods when transported across international borders. Different regions have different rules on customs duty payment. So the buyer may have to pay customs duty tax to the delivery person, to receive the package.